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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is the 7 Day Weight Loss Program a Good Idea?

Dietitians will be the first to admit that fad diets and quick fixes are not the way to sustained weight management. But what if you need to lose a few pounds as fast as possible to look good for next week's reunion? You desperately want to fit into that dress you've been eying for weeks. Well, I guess in that case you could consider a 7 day weight loss program to lose between 11 and 16 pounds in just seven days. So why don't dieticians recommend it? Let me explain why it's not such as a good idea other than being simply unhealthy.

You're Training Your Body to Burn Fat Slowly

Let's say your 7 day weight loss program tells you to eat 1050 calories per day. That is the minimum calorie intake you should consider. When you follow this program for 7 days, you teach your metabolism to burn only 1050 calories per day. Your body will still run as normal for a few days and burn 2500 calories according to your normal diet. Therefore you'll lose weight. What happens after the 7 day weight loss program? You continue with your normal diet where your calorie intake is around 2500. In the previous 7 days you've trained your body to burn only 1050 calories per day. Therefore your body will take a few days to adapt to your routine again. You'll gain more weight than you've lost because your body will take longer to adapt than before.


A 7 day weight loss program is a good idea for detoxifying your body, but it's not a good idea if you want to lose weight continuously. You'll only end up gaining more weight. You might be willing to take the fall for the sake of the wedding or reunion. Just follow it up with a long-term healthy diet so that you won't be in a worse condition than before.

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