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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Find a Weight Loss Partner to Help You Lose Weight

If you are tired of being overweight and have tried many different types of fad diets which only have resulted in continued failure after failure it may mean that you need to take a different approach to losing weight. What I suggest you do is find another individual who is in your same situation so that you can both go through the process of weight loss together.

There are many places on the Internet such as Craigslist and other forums where you can meet people in your city who have similar interests. You could make a posting regarding the fact that you want a buddy who lives near you to support you in your effort to lose weight. In return you can support the other individual in his or her weight loss efforts.

Once you meet somebody who has the same goal as you it will be easier to follow through on the plan because you have someone that you need to answer to on a regular basis. You will be less likely to "cheat" if you need to be accountable to someone then if you simply were on your own. Having a partner through the process can also buoy the two of you because you will have someone to confide in when times are difficult.

It is not necessary to join an expensive weight loss program where you have to pay monthly fees for meetings in addition to food costs. Often times those types of programs can be humiliating because they require you to weigh in at each meeting in front of the whole group. If you are a more private person you'll likely find a one-on-one relationship with a weight loss partner a better fit for your personality.

For More Related Topics Blog: Running And Losing Weight

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